Two Fine Sons

Location: Waynesville, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What can we say about Jack?

We're finished eating, woman, get us out of these seats!

Pajama explosion!! The boys' response, 'Uh-oh'

Jack's favorite thing is to be read to, so if you come over, prepare yourself!

Look at me! My pajamas are too small!

Testing the boundaries of "the forbidden bookcase".

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Our First Haircut!

How do I look in my cape?

No thanks, I'll pass on the clippers.

So far, so good!

Jack loves his police car!

Oh, it's so sad

I had her put gel on the top for just the right touch.

Do I look like Daddy or what?

Such a peaceful sleeper...