Two Fine Sons

Location: Waynesville, Ohio, United States

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Grey found his head!!

Mom has finally met her match!

goithy goithy goithy

Grey curling up with a good book.

Look where we found Jack!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Grey, Emilie, and Jack are busy playing house.

The ONLY picture of Jack and Grey together on Easter :( (but aren't their outfits cute?)

Behold Grey...who fell asleep while trying to get Jack's attention.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

We cheered Jack on as he figured out how to get down all by himself! (even Grey was clapping)

Going to Michigan to visit Great-Grampa!!

Jack and Grey chew the fat with Great Grampa Roger, who just celebrated the big 9-0!!

The infamous Santa that took forever to do (with an 8 year hiatus in between).