Two Fine Sons

Location: Waynesville, Ohio, United States

Saturday, December 30, 2006

After 5 solid days of running around, Jack and Grey rest with Grandma Beth (& Elmo)

We've waited our whole life for pictures like these

Hell's Angels: the Next Generation

Our avid little reader

Meet the next Michael Jordan


The best part of opening presents

Grey makes mama look so good!

Jack spies Santa at Uncle Rock's house.

Dad was a little concerned about this picture...

Meet Elmo and Bob the Builder's biggest fans (pre and post haircut)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My little orange mustachio'd dude

Serious chowing in progress

On a roll after goldfish crackers, Jack tried to eat the magic marker...

In the past year, Grey has developed the standard fear of Santa.

At first, Grey ran from Santa, then he offered him his hotdog.

Jack waves to the baby puppies before trying to hold one. (Grey was not interested in the slightest)