Two Fine Sons

Location: Waynesville, Ohio, United States

Monday, April 09, 2007

April 2007

The indoor Easter Egg Hunt was a smashing success. Jack got excited and took his time, announcing and pointing to each egg he saw. The competitor in Grey came out as he ran here and there and filled his Pooh bag quick!

Proud parents

Good Morning BananaEaters!

March 2007

Grey test drives his new car while Jack hollers choo-choo (complete with pull-down) in sheer enthusiasm. There's Fudge after getting stickered by Jack (that girl puts up with A-lot!)

well the race is on and here comes Jack up the front yard
Isaac's tearin up the driveway ....

Grey waves to Dad and Jack.

Jack gets his first ride on the "doo-dah" (aka tractor, aka riding lawn mower)

Jack says a prayer, so thankful for his beans.

Grey was one sick little dude.

February 2007

Grey & Jack trying to watch TV.
Grey & Jack playing in snow for the first time!
Jack & Grey in their Sesame Street tent

There's Jack: pointing to Cookie Monster, modeling his favorite turtleneck, asleep at the dinner table and wearing the latest in choo-choo apparel.

Grey has really warmed up to the camera! Can you stand it?